
“Working with you has been amazing. Now, I can’t imagine not knowing what I’ve learned from you and from charting.”

- Leah, 34, Artist
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that Tammy’s FAM classes changed my life, physically and emotionally! Before I learned how to chart, I was in the dark about my own body—at times convinced that my longer cycles meant I was infertile, other times stressed out by pregnancy scares. Even though I considered myself informed, I had no clue what “basal temperature” or “luteal phase” even meant. Nowadays, I am incredibly in tune with my body, and it feels so great to have barrier-free sex knowing there is essentially ZERO chance I can get pregnant. It was also a bonding experience for me and my partner, who came to one of Tammy’s classes and now knows as much about cervical fluid as I do!

- Nona, 35, Editor
I was 41 and about to get married when I took Tamara’s Fertility Awareness class. On my way to our second meet-up I was feeling depressed about my age and thinking only negative thoughts about my fertility, but Tamara pointed out how clearly my first chart showed that I had ovulated. I felt so much better! When I told my fiance about Fertility Awareness, he joked that he was sure he could hit the bullseye. Our son was born a few weeks after our first wedding anniversary.

- Amy, 45, Photographer
I saw a temp drop yesterday morning, and thought, I wonder if I’ll get my period today? And I did! It was very satisfying. Thanks. I am enjoying learning all of this and knowing that my cycles are long but the luteal phase is predictable really decreased my worries about my period this month. I’m gonna keep experimenting a bit about the PMS symptoms, but this month was a little better than usual. Maybe the B vitamins are helping.

- Sara, 28, Yoga Instructor
After hearing about FAM and Tammy’s work, I made an appointment for my partner and I to learn FAM in person. After our first session, we felt so much more confident and empowered in my decision to not be on birth control. We met Tammy in 2018 and we’ve kept a relationship with her since and check in when questions come up. Tammy is incredibly responsive, helpful and supported my goals and intentions with warmth and care! 

- Anna, 23, Artist
Just want to say thank you so much for meeting with me this morning. I loved learning all about my body & my cycle. Thank you for taking the time to educate me and answer all of my questions. Most of all, I loved hearing the positivity in your voice that I’m okay. Carrying those positive vibes with me the rest of the day!

- Christina, 30, Teacher
It’s cool and science-y. I tell all my friends about it. It’s incredible what I have learned from charting!

- Diandra, 28, Teacher & Activist
I took Tammy’s class with a couple of friends, which was a super fun experience. All three of us were hoping to conceive in the near future. The class was full of information that is quite scientific, but Tammy’s approach and how she broke everything down made it all clear and easy to follow. Tammy was also knowledgeable regarding some health concerns I had about my thyroid and pointed me towards several other resources (such as acupuncture). I’m happy to report my friends/fellow classmates and I all got pregnant quickly and easily as soon as we started trying, thanks to what we learned from Tammy. In fact our kids were all born within 2 months of each other, which has also been really fun!

- Amber, 36, Arts Administrator
Meeting with Tammy was hugely beneficial for me in my journey to learn about my own body and cycles. I have had irregular periods for many years with a lot of PMS and I didn’t understand it at all. After working with Tammy, I was able to be clear about what part of my cycle was causing me discomfort and why. I have had a lot of fun taking my temperature every day and understanding my own signs of fertility. It is education I wish I had in high school. Every woman should understand these basics about how our bodies flow and change monthly. Thank you Tammy!

- Sarah, 33, Dancer