Schedule a free introductory phone call, a one-hour private session, or a 30-minute follow-up. Scroll down to learn about the options. Find out about group classes here.


Use this phone call to explore your needs and decide whether I can help. Besides teaching cycle charting and fertility awareness, I can offer support and strategize for issues like missing or irregular periods, PMS, or other undesired symptoms. I can also help you through transitions, including perimenopause, changing methods of birth control (whether or not you want to practice FAM), returning fertility after baby, etc. 



$100 (partners welcome)
• At my home office in Tribeca 260 W. Broadway, 7B
• Or by Zoom online.

Private consults (with your partner if you wish) last an hour or a little more, depending on how our work unfolds. Afterward, you will receive a written consult summary of the information we covered and discovered. It typically takes 3-5 consults over several cycles to learn cycle charting for contraception, and 1-3 consults to prepare for conception. Sometimes more consults are desired if irregularities present themselves. I provide cycle tracking charts, written guidelines, and other resources. If you prefer to use an app for charting, I can help you evaluate and choose one to suit your needs. 

Besides charting and fertility awareness coaching, I support and strategize for issues like missing or irregular periods, and I can help you through transitions, including pre-menopause and menopause, coming off the pill, changing methods of contraception (whether or not you want to practice Fertility Awareness), postpartum recovery and breastfeeding, etc.


Private consults can be used to

. . . explore contraceptive options
If you want to explore your contraceptive options in depth (including pharmaceuticals, devices, barriers, withdrawal, etc., as well as Fertility Awareness), a consult can clarify your choices and help you feel confident and empowered by your decision. You are entitled to complete information and a process that respects your individual needs, desires, concerns, and questions. What you used during your teens or twenties might not be your first choice in your late twenties or thirties. Becoming an independent adult, changing partners, preparing for pregnancy, the postpartum months, perimenopause, and other transitions commonly prompt people to re-evaluate their approach to reproductive health and contraception. A private consult can give you the information, time, and space to make a decision that is true to you. 

 . . . learn Fertility Awareness to prevent pregnancy
It typically takes 3 to 5 private sessions over the course of several months to thoroughly learn the Fertility Awareness Method for contraception. You’ll learn to expertly observe your fertility markers including basal body temperature and cervical fluid, confidently identify your fertile window and decide how to handle it, and explore how to use your new level of deep body literacy. Along the way, we will cover anatomy and physiology, what cycle irregularities might be telling you about your health, as well as diet and lifestyle choices that impact your cycle and sex life. Partners welcome—the choice is yours.

 . . . increase chances of conception
For someone hoping to conceive, 1-3 sessions are often sufficient. Additional sessions may be desired if you decide to embark on a customized preconception plan to optimize your (and your partner’s) health for pregnancy. If you’ve been “trying” for a while, learning to chart your cycles can give you valuable insights. When it comes to timing intercourse for conception, Fertility Awareness is often more helpful than an ovulation predictor kit. I highly recommend learning to chart for Fertility Awareness before consulting with a fertility clinic if possible. Together we can strategize about healthcare approaches and set a timeline that it is optimal for you.

. . . clarify your Fertility Awareness practice:
A private consult is also great for someone who already has a Fertility Awareness practice, but has particular questions or would like support and reassurance. Research studies with high efficacy rates have all been done with women who learned Fertility Awareness form a trained instructor. If you’ve been practicing for contraception, but are now ready to conceive, I can help you strategize to answer questions including: What days are my most fertile? What tests and check-ups should we have before conception? When should I consult a fertility specialist? What are the best prenatal vitamins for me? For him? And so on.

. . . chart a path to hormonal health and balance in any phase of life: 
In cases of cycle irregularity, recovery from hormonal contraceptive use, unpleasant menstrual symptoms, the postpartum or breastfeeding months, perimenopause, or other situations, we can plan restorative health initiatives that might include cycle charting, new diet and lifestyle practices, herbs and supplements, and/or referrals to other healthcare practitioners. 

. . . about my fees:
If private consults seem out of your price range, consider forming or joining a class (link to classes page).  Or contact me and I’ll do my best to accommodate your circumstances. I don’t have a sliding scale, but I believe this is information everyone who cycles should have, so let’s find a way to work together!


If you’ve already had a class or consult with me, you can schedule a quick follow-up by phone or zoom. I can answer your questions about observing the fertility signs, interpreting your charts, preparing for a conversation with your doctor, or dealing with whatever issue has come up for you. If it’s relevant and possible, please include chart/s or brief notes when you schedule.